4 Common Situations Where You May Need a Lawyer

Legal Services in Dallas

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Life is unpredictable — even the best laid plans can go awry. In some situations that you encounter, it may be necessary to rely on the professional services of a legal expert and representative from Robert J. Anderson PLLC Law Firm. Here are four of the most common situations that may require a lawyer here in the state of Texas:

Couple in counseling before divorce


Ideally, when facing a divorce, couples will agree to split amicably and mutually agree on the details of their separation. In these cases, a lawyer is rarely required. However, legal representation is very wise in cases where there are disagreements involving property, investments, support, child custody, and other relevant issues. Once a divorce is finalized, those terms are binding and can only be changed by returning to the courtroom. Relying on a good lawyer from the start can help provide the most mutually beneficial outcome for both parties.

Person signing a will

Creating a Will and/or Trust

Nobody really enjoys thinking about the legal issues that may arise following their death, but a wise person will be adequately prepared for how their assets will be handled after they’ve passed away. You can save your family from potential legal disputes and problems by creating a will and trust. This is especially relevant if you have children, as they will most likely be the beneficiaries of your assets. Prepare a will and trust with our legal team, and your children will be thankful when the time comes to utilize them, knowing that even after you’re gone, you’re still caring for them.

Welcome phamplet for immigrants


When it comes to your legal status as a resident in the United States, having a trustworthy and experienced legal team on your side can be a great comfort. Robert J. Anderson Law Firm can represent you before the Bureau of US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the Board of Immigration Appeals, and in Immigration Court. Common situations where these services are necessary include legal immigration, emigration, visas and green cards, political asylum, and other naturalization issues.

A parent walking their child to school

Custody and Family Law

When it comes to cases involving custody of children, you deserve to have a legal team that is both compassionate and experienced. Robert J. Anderson Law Firm can help determine what the future looks like in regards to child custody for your family, and do so in a way that most benefits your children. This includes issues involving both mother’s and father’s rights, child protection, guardianship, visitation, and more.

These are just four of the most common legal scenarios that benefit from legal representation — but there are many other reasons to hire a lawyer! To learn more and to speak with our experienced legal team, please contact Robert J. Anderson PLLC Law Firm in Dallas today!